Do you have Idea Intoxication?

In the whirlwind journey from concept to market, it's easy for inventors to fall victim to "Idea Intoxication." This phenomenon isn't just about passion; it's a euphoric state where the thrill of the idea overshadows the realities of the business world. While the energy and vision behind an invention are crucial, they must be grounded in practical business strategies to avoid the pitfalls of failure.

Idea intoxication can lead to a tunnel vision of sorts, where the potential of a product is magnified beyond reason. Inventors might fantasize about the vast markets awaiting their innovation, the lucrative profits just on the horizon, and the revolutionary impact their product will have. However, without a solid grasp of business fundamentals, this intoxication can lead to poor decisions and unrealistic expectations.


Myth #1: "I Just Want to Sell My Idea."
The belief that an idea alone is a sellable commodity is one of the most pervasive myths in the inventing world. Inventors...

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TOPIC: How To Earn a Joint Venture With ProductMentorā„¢

joint venture partnership Mar 04, 2021

Revealed: Secrets to know when it comes to landing a Joint Venture with ProductMentor™. Mike Corradini will be interviewing Kody Knighton, COO of ProductMentor.

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