How NOT to Invent a Product


How NOT to Invent a Product

Are you ready to dive into the surefire ways to fail at inventing?

If you’re looking to ensure your next invention is a spectacular flop, you’ve come to the right place. Here's how you can master the art of what not to do.

Step 1: Solve a Problem No One Has

First things first: why bother with real-world problems? To truly botch your product development, start by inventing something for an small problem. Forget about market demand; it’s overrated anyway. This approach guarantees that your product will resonate with absolutely no one but you, securing its place in the hall of fame for unnecessary inventions.

Step 2: Skip the Research

Research is such a drag. Who has time to check the size of the market or scope out potential competitors? Assume your product is a stroke of genius. Begin by counting the profits you’ll never make. Ignoring your market ensures that you’ll be blindsided by actual consumer needs and existing...

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3 Most Common Startup Questions

mindset startups success Oct 07, 2024

Practical Answers to Save Time, Money, and Headaches

Navigating the early stages of a startup can be as thrilling as it is daunting. Every decision you make can significantly impact your venture's future. To guide you through these critical decisions, we've compiled answers to the three most common questions that startup founders frequently ask.

These insights are designed to save you time, money, and avoid unnecessary headaches.

Question #1: Do I Need a Patent?

Many entrepreneurs believe that patenting an idea is the first step towards a successful business venture. However, securing a patent is not always necessary in the initial stages. Instead, focus on validating your business idea and achieving product-market fit first.

Start with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect your idea when discussing it with potential partners, investors, or employees. This step is crucial and often sufficient in the early stages to safeguard your concept without the hefty costs and...

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The Hidden Costs of Waiting

mindset startups success Sep 24, 2024

Why You Need to Act on Your Ideas Now

We’ve all been there—sitting on a great idea, waiting for the perfect moment to take action. But while you wait, the hidden cost of inaction grows. Every day you delay, someone else could be moving on a similar idea, seizing an opportunity that could have been yours.

The Opportunity Cost of Inaction

Your brilliant idea has the potential to change your life, whether it’s launching a product or growing your startup. But without action, even the most promising idea stays just that—an idea. Each day that passes without action is a lost chance to get closer to your goals.

Opportunity doesn’t stand still. Markets shift, trends evolve, and the window to bring your idea to life narrows. When you fail to act, others who are more decisive fill that space. 

Why Waiting for the “Perfect Moment” is a Trap

A common reason people delay taking action is waiting for the perfect time. You might think, “...

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From Risk to Reward

company mindset success Aug 15, 2024

In the entrepreneurial world, risk is not just a necessary evil; it's an essential ingredient of success.

Many perceive taking risks in business as hazardous. Reframing these risks as calculated steps towards growth can transform fear into a catalyst for change. The ability to embrace and navigate uncertainty often distinguishes the most successful entrepreneurs from the crowd.

Here are three strategic ways to confidently embrace startup risk and turn it into a conduit for innovation and success.

1. Risk is Essential

The most transformative way to approach risk is to completely redefine it: the biggest risk is inaction. While the idea of stepping into the unknown can be intimidating, the alternative—stagnation—is a guarantee of missed opportunities.

By viewing risk as an essential step to acquire your desired reward, you alter both your emotional and psychological responses to new ventures. This shift helps you look beyond immediate threats and focus on the long-term...

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Top 10 Tips To Navigate The Startup World

Ever wonder why 90% of startups fail?  

Understanding the pitfalls that startups face can drastically improve your chances of success. Based on our decades of experience, here are the Top 10 Tips to navigate the startup world and turn those odds around:

  1. Ignoring Expert Advice: Some inventors think, "I don’t need to follow a proven process from experts, I can get to market alone." Trial and error will always take more time and money than leveraging a proven process and team. Save yourself the grief and seek expert guidance so that you can have peace of mind.

  2. Falling for Unnecessary Add-Ons: Do you have “sucker” written on your forehead for those that prey on inventors? Don't get weighed down by extras you don't need! Identify and focus on what truly moves the needle for your business rather than splurging on every suggested service or product.

  3. Rushing to Patent: Worried someone will steal your idea? This common fear leads inventors to think: "I must get a...

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Character Traits That Matter Most

mindset startups success Jun 04, 2024

Why do some people accomplish more than others of equal intelligence?

This question has puzzled psychologists, educators, and entrepreneurs alike for decades. While many attribute success to intelligence or academic prowess, emerging research suggests that character traits often play a more pivotal role in determining an individual’s success, especially in the entrepreneurial realm.

The ProductMentor team has worked with thousands of inventors and entrepreneurs, so we see the patterns that all successful people share. We have a front row seat to witness the character traits that are more influential than IQ, genetics, or academic achievements in predicting success

In the world of entrepreneurship, where unpredictability is the norm and resilience is a necessity, these traits are not just beneficial but essential.

The Essential Character Traits for Entrepreneurs:

  1. All-In / Do Whatever It Takes: Entrepreneurs who succeed are typically those who are committed...

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Do you have Idea Intoxication?

In the whirlwind journey from concept to market, it's easy for inventors to fall victim to "Idea Intoxication." This phenomenon isn't just about passion; it's a euphoric state where the thrill of the idea overshadows the realities of the business world. While the energy and vision behind an invention are crucial, they must be grounded in practical business strategies to avoid the pitfalls of failure.

Idea intoxication can lead to a tunnel vision of sorts, where the potential of a product is magnified beyond reason. Inventors might fantasize about the vast markets awaiting their innovation, the lucrative profits just on the horizon, and the revolutionary impact their product will have. However, without a solid grasp of business fundamentals, this intoxication can lead to poor decisions and unrealistic expectations.


Myth #1: "I Just Want to Sell My Idea."
The belief that an idea alone is a sellable commodity is one of the most pervasive myths in the inventing world. Inventors...

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The Difference Between Licensing and Launching Products


In the realm of innovation, many inventors grapple with a central question: Should they license their product idea to another company or launch it themselves?

On the surface, licensing seems to be a shortcut to success. You conceptualize, another firm produces and markets, and you sit back collecting royalties. However, a deeper dive reveals that licensing is often more of a fairytale, primarily because your product is unproven. Conversely, launching a product, i.e., taking control of its manufacturing and selling, is typically the best bet for real-world success, especially when selling online or in retail outlets. 

Licensing: An Uphill Battle with Low Odds

Licensing, while theoretically appealing, often turns out to be a challenging endeavor. Here's a closer look: 

  1. Unproven Ground: One of the most significant pitfalls of licensing is that an unproven product has little to no sales record. Brands are naturally risk-averse. They are less likely to take a chance on an...
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Why Startups Fail

success Oct 12, 2023

Starting a business is a lot harder than most people think. Rarely is a business so in tune with its customer’s needs that it can float along with minimal effort. But why do so many businesses fail? The reasons run deep, but here is what you should know before starting your own business. 


  • According to business owners, reasons for failure include money running out, being in the wrong market, a lack of research, bad service providers, ineffective marketing, and no proven process.
  • Ways to avoid failing include setting goals, accurate research, loving the work, not quitting, and aligning yourself with the right team. 

Reasons for Failing

If you poll former business owners, you will get a wide variety of reasons as to why their businesses failed. 

  1. Money Ran Out: This widely given reason doesn’t really explain why a business failed. The money ran out because it stopped coming in, so why did the cash flow dry up? Was it due to poorly managed...
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