Top 10 Tips To Navigate The Startup World

Ever wonder why 90% of startups fail?  

Understanding the pitfalls that startups face can drastically improve your chances of success. Based on our decades of experience, here are the Top 10 Tips to navigate the startup world and turn those odds around:

  1. Ignoring Expert Advice: Some inventors think, "I don’t need to follow a proven process from experts, I can get to market alone." Trial and error will always take more time and money than leveraging a proven process and team. Save yourself the grief and seek expert guidance so that you can have peace of mind.

  2. Falling for Unnecessary Add-Ons: Do you have “sucker” written on your forehead for those that prey on inventors? Don't get weighed down by extras you don't need! Identify and focus on what truly moves the needle for your business rather than splurging on every suggested service or product.

  3. Rushing to Patent: Worried someone will steal your idea? This common fear leads inventors to think: "I must get a...

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TOPIC: Why Most Startups Fail (and how to avoid them)

Revealed: How to avoid the most common reasons that startups fail. Mike Corradini will be interviewing Stephen Ritch and they will be deep diving this very real topic.

Watch the video here:



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