Sell Your Product On LinkedIn

marketing Feb 17, 2023

What if there was a place to open doors and create opportunities for your product or app?

The good news is, it exists! Let me reintroduce you to LinkedIn. 

When you use LinkedIn correctly, you can establish credibility for yourself to open doors for sales or collaboration. 

Establish Yourself

It's important to establish yourself as the creator of your product or app. When people know your product was invented by you and they know your story, an emotional connection is made to your product or brand.

It's not just another product on the market that is sold by an anonymous company. It is a product invented by a real person, someone just like them. 

When people know your story, it is easier to build a community behind you. If you do it right, they will even cheer you on and be there for you.

Putting your name out there with a product can also help establish you as the bonafide creator, in case anything ever comes up with another inventor or company. I have seen knock-off...

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How To Grow Your Audience Without Ads

marketing Dec 15, 2022

Whether you’re new to business or you’ve been an entrepreneur for a while, building your audience with the right people is one of the most important things you can do to help your business succeed.


3 Ways To Grow Your Audience Without Paid Ads:


1. Social Media

Social media is not only one of the most relevant methods in today's market, it's also one of the easiest to get started with.

Think about the social platform that your target audience spends the most time on. For example, your target audience may spend more time on LinkedIn than Twitter or Facebook, so start there. It's also important to notice if your audience engages with certain types of posts more than others.

2. Blog Posts

Blogs are still a very effective method to grow your audience. You can keep it simple with just text alone or mix in video and images. Over time, a successful blog can boost your search rankings (SEO), increase brand awareness, and bring higher-quality traffic to your...

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How To Create a Social Media Strategy

marketing social media Sep 15, 2022

You can do a lot of customer testing on social media before you even launch your product or app.  

Social Media is something many entrepreneurs put off for too long. Not because they don't "want to" promote their business with social media - it's because they aren't sure "how to". The post will share some ideas on how to get your social media started for your business. 

Watch What Competitors Are Posting

What to post on social media is a question that bothers a lot of entrepreneurs. The default answer is nothing. 

A method developed called S.E.E. (Study, Engage, Educate) helps you understand and connect with your target audience without having a finished idea yet. 

Step 1:

Study. Save the information you discover. Check out Facebook groups, influencers, and do Google searches. Find out what your competitors are posting and what their customer's 'like'. After doing that for a few hours, you’ll start to understand the information your customer...

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