The Opportunity Cost of Waiting to Pursue Your Idea

company money Sep 14, 2023

The opportunity cost of waiting to pursue your idea can be significant. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Missed market opportunities: Markets are dynamic and constantly evolving, and what is a great idea today may not be a great idea tomorrow. Waiting too long to pursue your idea can mean missing out on a key market opportunity, and allowing competitors to get ahead of you.

  2. Delayed learning: Pursuing your idea sooner rather than later can help you learn valuable lessons about your customers, your market, and your product. The longer you wait, the longer it will take to gain this knowledge and make the necessary adjustments to your strategy.

  3. Lost time and resources: Every day that you delay pursuing your idea is a day that you're not making progress towards your goals. Waiting can also mean that you're spending resources (money, time, energy) on other activities that are not as important or valuable.

  4. Regret and missed potential: If you have a strong passion for your idea, waiting...

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How To Launch The Next Big App

Launching the next big app can be a complex process, but here are a few key steps you can take to increase your chances of success:

  1. Develop a solid concept: The first step in launching a successful app is developing a solid concept that meets a real need in the market. Conduct market research to identify potential users and competitors, and use this information to refine your concept.

  2. Partner with a team: Having a strong team is critical to the success of your app. You'll need to find talented mentors, developers, designers, and marketers who can work together to bring your concept to life.

  3. Develop a prototype: Once you have a concept and a team, you'll need to develop a prototype of your app. This will allow you to test your concept with users and make any necessary adjustments before you launch.

  4. Conduct beta testing: Beta testing is a crucial part of the app development process. It allows you to get feedback from real users and identify any bugs or usability issues that...

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How To Write an Elevator Pitch

startups May 12, 2023

An elevator pitch is a short, compelling summary of an idea, product, or service that can be delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator (usually 30-60 seconds). You need an elevator pitch in order to speak to buyers and investors. Here are some steps to help you write an effective elevator pitch:

  1. Start with a hook: Begin with a strong and attention-grabbing statement that will make the listener want to hear more. This could be a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a bold claim.

  2. Identify the problem: Clearly articulate the problem that your idea, product, or service solves. This should be a specific and pressing issue that your target audience is experiencing.

  3. Explain your solution: Explain how your idea, product, or service solves the problem you identified. Be specific and concise, and use language that is easy to understand.

  4. Highlight your unique selling proposition: Identify what sets your idea, product, or service apart from the competition....

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The Art of Launching a New Product

company start startups Apr 18, 2023

Launching a new product can be an exciting and challenging process, but with the right strategy and mentor, you can increase your chances of success. Here are a few key steps to consider when launching a new product:

  1. Conduct market research: Before launching your product, it's important to conduct market research to understand your target audience, their needs and pain points, and the competitive landscape. This will help you refine your product concept and develop a marketing strategy that resonates with your audience.

  2. Develop a strong value proposition: Your product needs to offer a clear and compelling value proposition to your target audience. This includes not only the features and benefits of your product, but also the emotional and psychological benefits that your product provides.

  3. Create a marketing plan: A successful product launch requires a comprehensive marketing plan that includes both traditional and digital marketing channels. This can include advertising,...

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2023 Inspired Home Show

trade shows Mar 02, 2023

We are excited to meet with retailers, wholesalers, distributors, and DRTV companies at the 2023 Inspired Home Show in Chicago this week.

For wholesale quotes, samples, and sales brochures for the 24 NEW PRODUCTS we featured, contact us via email at [email protected] or Click Here.

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Sell Your Product On LinkedIn

marketing Feb 17, 2023

What if there was a place to open doors and create opportunities for your product or app?

The good news is, it exists! Let me reintroduce you to LinkedIn. 

When you use LinkedIn correctly, you can establish credibility for yourself to open doors for sales or collaboration. 

Establish Yourself

It's important to establish yourself as the creator of your product or app. When people know your product was invented by you and they know your story, an emotional connection is made to your product or brand.

It's not just another product on the market that is sold by an anonymous company. It is a product invented by a real person, someone just like them. 

When people know your story, it is easier to build a community behind you. If you do it right, they will even cheer you on and be there for you.

Putting your name out there with a product can also help establish you as the bonafide creator, in case anything ever comes up with another inventor or company. I have seen knock-off...

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2023 National Hardware Show

trade shows Jan 31, 2023

We are excited to meet with retailers, wholesalers, and distributors at the 2023 National Hardware Show in Las Vegas this week.

ProductMentor is showcasing over 25 new products on behalf of our partners at this year's event! Manny Garcia and Tor Steinke (pictured) are two such partners.

Come on by our booth if you are at the show

Or contact us via email at [email protected] for wholesale quotes, samples, and sales brochures.

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How To Protect My New Idea

company patent Jan 16, 2023

Protecting a new idea can be important, especially if it has the potential to be valuable or profitable. Here are a few steps you can take to protect your new idea:

  1. Keep your idea confidential: Do not share your idea with anyone who is not directly involved in developing or protecting it. Make sure anyone who does have access to your idea signs a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before you share any details.

  2. Conduct research: Conduct a patent search to ensure that your idea is not already protected by an existing patent or trademark. You can also search online to see if anyone else is working on a similar idea.

  3. File for a patent: If your idea is new and innovative, you may be able to file for a patent to protect your intellectual property. A patent gives you exclusive rights to your idea for a certain period of time, typically 20 years from the date of filing for a Utility patent. You will need to work with a patent attorney to file a patent application.

  4. Copyright or...

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How To Grow Your Audience Without Ads

marketing Dec 15, 2022

Whether you’re new to business or you’ve been an entrepreneur for a while, building your audience with the right people is one of the most important things you can do to help your business succeed.


3 Ways To Grow Your Audience Without Paid Ads:


1. Social Media

Social media is not only one of the most relevant methods in today's market, it's also one of the easiest to get started with.

Think about the social platform that your target audience spends the most time on. For example, your target audience may spend more time on LinkedIn than Twitter or Facebook, so start there. It's also important to notice if your audience engages with certain types of posts more than others.

2. Blog Posts

Blogs are still a very effective method to grow your audience. You can keep it simple with just text alone or mix in video and images. Over time, a successful blog can boost your search rankings (SEO), increase brand awareness, and bring higher-quality traffic to your...

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TOPIC: 7 Proven Ways To Raise Capital For Your Business

money Nov 09, 2022

Revealed: How to get money for your business. Money is usually the biggest challenge, but people that are committed ALWAYS find a way. Learn the 7 proven ways we see entrepreneurs overcome this obstacle every day. With Mike Corradini, Founder and CEO of ProductMentor.

Watch video here:



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